Kim has trained and ridden a large variety of horses in Australia, Asia, at home in Tennessee, and in Europe. This experience gives Kim a truly unique and multi faceted set of training and teaching skills. Kim is skilled in training horses from backing and young horses all the way to the Grand Prix arena.
Kim's focus is on bringing out the best in each horse regardless of their breed. All breeds are welcome.
Kim does all of the training of the horses herself.
Kim's Horses
USDF Grand Prix Region Champions
Leonardo: 2007 Danish gelding by Landtinus out of a Rambo mare. Leo has competed in and placed in the top 10 at the USEF/Markel Young Horse Championships as a 4, 5 and 6 year old. He is one of only 2 horses in his age group to compete in all 3 championships. In 2012, he won the FEI 5 Year Old class at Dressage at Devon. He started 2013 by winning the FEI 6 Year old division at the Eastern US Selection Trial for the World Breeder's Championship in Verden, Germany! Leo earned the highest combined score for FEI 6 Year olds at Devon in 2013. He started 2014 by earning a 65.4% in his first Prix St Georges and 67.9% in his first Intermediare 1!! Leo and Kim recently WON the Prix St Georges at the Estes Park CDI and were 2nd in the CDI Intermediare 1. Leo was Reserve Champion at the USDF Regional Championships for both PSG and Intermediare 1.
Leo is confirmed in all of the Grand Prix work and recently made his debut at Intermediare II and Grand Prix scoring 68.56% and 65.1%! Go Leo!!
VIDEO 3mos 2010
VIDEO Leo competing in the USEF 4 Year old test approximately 14 mos under saddle
VIDEO 2011 Leo in the USEF 4 Year old championships awards
VIDEO 2012 Leo May 2012 First Level Test 3
VIDEO 2013 FEI 6 Year Old USEF Selection Trials for Verden 2013
VIDEO 2014 Estes Park CDI Prix St Georges
Frasier being a super model!
Frasier and Kim had quite the season in 2015 winning the First Level Regional Championships, winning both FEI 5 year old classes and being overall FEI Young Horse Performance Champion at the Devon CDI, and placing 3rd at the USDF Finals at First Level. They had many scores in the 70's and 80's!
Frasier has continued his training and has developed physically over the last 6 months. We gave him quite a bit of easy work over this time as his body was changing and he developed a lot of muscling. He is now working well at Third Level with changes and lateral work. He is such an incredible horse!
Frasier scored 73.1% at Second Level Test 3 at his first show for 2015.
Frasier is currently showing Prix St Georges and Intermediare 1 and is schooling all of the Grand Prix.
Fine Art is a stunning black Rhinelander gelding owned by Dr. Laurie Simons of Tupelo, MS. His pedigree is the who's who of dressage breeding! He is sired Feedback (Fidertanz x Sandro Hit)and he is out of a De Niro x Rubenstein mare. This stunning boy is showing super talent for the upper level work. At 6 years old he is proficient in changes and lateral work and show tremendous talent for the piaffe.